The graduate and post graduate program outcomes have been displayed on the college website. Every department depending on the program they are offering has stated the programme specific outcome. The program outcomes for every course have been clearly stated. These are available on college website. The course outcome elaborates on the content of the course and the competencies a learner would acquire after successful completion of the course. Along with the course outcomes the learner outcomes are also described. Whenever the curriculum is revised and depending on the course content the course outcomes are revisited and revised after discussion with the members of the Board of studies and tabled in the Academic council and governing body meeting for their due approval. During the induction program students are made aware about the POs, PSOs and COs which are described and available on the college website. In addition, a hard copy of the same is available with every subject teacher to appraise the students about the expected outcome after completion of the course. The information on PSOs and COs helps students to make a choice on the course that he or she would like to pursue.
Programme Outcomes and Course Outcomes for all Programmes