Graduate Attribute


Ramniranjan Jhunjhunwala College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous) caters to a diverse population of students coming from western and central suburbs of Mumbai in addition there are students coming from other states exploring quality education. RJC with its mission of providing quality education to all and believing in academic excellence with character building. RJC firmly believes in holistic development of students by providing them with domain knowledge, supplementing it with wide range of co and extra-curricular activities. The college provides a forum for each and every student to excel in their area of choice. RJC believes in inclusive and equitable quality education and provides a safe haven for all its stakeholders.

The management and the staff of Ramniranjan Jhunjhunwala college take all efforts to ensure that their graduates would possess the following attributes:

These attributes are aligned with the program specific outcomes, learning outcomes and content, teaching methods and assessment.

  1. Intellectual Capacity which includes domain knowledge, critical thinking, digital literacy, problem solving skills, research skills, analytical thinking, reasoning, innovation, self-learning, entrepreneurial skills.
  2. Professional, Ethical and Human Values which includes honesty, integrity, sympathy, empathy, mutual respect, capability to work in diverse teams, professional and workplace ethics.
  3. Self-Development by inculcating habits of tolerance, team spirit, sportsman spirit, anger management, positive attitude, communication skills both written and verbal, life-long learning.
  4. Socially Acceptable with qualities of etiquettes, manners, ability to accept differences among individuals, reflective learner and thinker, community and societal engagement contribute to UNSDGs, environment consciousness.

These attributes of a student would develop by actively participating in classroom teaching, field trips, research projects, library sessions, personal choices like participating in co-curricular extra-curricular activities, sports, extension activities. We hope that students would go through these attributes and introspect so as to develop as a learner, future professional and responsible citizen.


Graduate Attribute of Students
